Welcome To The Phil Phoenix Website

Hi, and welcome to the Phil Phoenix web site. If you're looking for something different in sci-fi, you have definitely come to the right place. In the not too distant future I will upload all my complete works, but please be patient, as there is a lot of editing to do before I can post them. Also, I will be putting up other items, as I intend this site to be one of multi-interest. In the meantime thankyou for visiting this site, and please feel free to come back anytime.
Phil phoenix


Phil Phoenix Manuscripts


The JET! Trilogy - JET! - Earth to Earth - Eskhatos 


Beginend - Pregenesis - Take Two 

 The Time Corrective - Transfer - Quicksilver 

Beresford Bond - The Hebrew Recoil - Through


Finalities - The Vortex Factor - Bridges of Time



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